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Sales and Marketing Automation

Companies using sales and marketing automation outperform those that don’t.

Sales and marketing automation software, such as HubSpot and SalesForce Marketing Cloud, helps companies transform the way they attract, engage and delight their customers.  

But it can sometimes be difficult for companies to truly realize the benefits of their marketing automation investment. Why? 

  • Not sure where to start
  • Too much choice
  • Lack of expertise
  • Lack of bandwidth
  • Unclear business case
  • Low adoption
  • Siloed teams and processes
  • Overlapping and disconnected technology
  • Challenges measuring ROI

Our team helps clients bridge your marketing automation and CRM gap. 

Flywheel Strategic Technologies helps you make automation technology work harder across your sales, marketing and services teams. 

Flywheel Strategic

Salesforce Pardot

Mar 11, 2021, 15:59 PM
Title : Salesforce Pardot
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Salesforce Pardot Logo

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As incredible as marketing automation tools are, companies only unlock their value when they are matched with their company’s people, platforms and process.

Our CRM and Marketing Automation services include:

Flow Chart

Management & Measurement 

Ongoing optimization, management and reporting 

Content strategy and content marketing 

Campaign management  

Lead nurture programs 

Sales enablement 


HubSpot curriculum development 

Training for sales, marketing and executives 


Documentation and knowledge management 

Strategy & Planning

Customer segmentation

Customer journey mapping

Personal development

Marketing automation consulting

Platform assessment and selection 

Implementation planning, configuration and setup 


Customization and development

Integration with legacy websites, email, social media and other systems

Rollout, documentation and training

Our HubSpot Expertise

Its Inbound philosophy, easy-to-use interface, and integrated software have made HubSpot a popular choice among leading marketers and sales teams.

Our certified team has expertise in HubSpot Marketing, Sales and Service hubs that let us handle any size of project.

Services include:

  • HubSpot packaging and pricing recommendations
  • HubSpot technical setup
  • HubSpot third-party software integration
  • HubSpot deal stage, filter, property, form, landing page and template creation
  • HubSpot portal and view customization
  • HubSpot workflow and sequences setup
  • Contact importing into HubSpot
  • HubSpot SEO, Ad Tool, Social Media, Chatbot tool setup
  • HubSpot analytics and reporting support
  • HubSpot onboarding, documentation and training
  • HubSpot management
  • HubSpot consulting

Connect with us on HubSpot today!

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Our Experience

  • Snap Home Finance Logo
  • Proof Experiences Logo
  • Inuit Art Foundation Logo
  • Weber Shandwick Logo
  • Tourism Barrie Logo
  • RPIA Logo
  • Lennard Logo
  • mc_logo_nobeans_80x@2x


Drive Sales with a Robust Customer Success Solution

Flywheel worked with SNAP Financial to successfully streamline customer data and automate workflows accross the organization.

Flywheel Strategic